HCL Connections – How To Deactivate the Welcome Tour

If you don’t see a benefit in the new HCL Connections Welcome Tour feature, it can be easily deactivated by using the HCL Connections App Registry, as documented in the GitHub documentation maintained by HCL.

But as the App Registry is part of the HCL Connections Component Pack, you may not be fortunate enough to have it deployed. If that is the case and you want to disable the HCL Connections Welcome Tour feature, there is a way to do it in “Blue Stack only” environments, although it involves a couple more steps.

This involves adding some json code to the “header.jsp” file, to do this follow the guidelines for customizing the “header.jsp” file, as described in the official documentation.

After you are familiar how you can edit the “header.jsp” file, simply add the following code to it:

            window.connectionsExtension = {
               "com.hcl.connections.tours": {
                  "disabled": true         

It is also beneficial to add some comments, so you know why you made this change a few weeks later, like this for example:

Hope this helps!

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