Friday 20 June 2014

Deep Dive on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Javacores and Javadumps

Thanks to my colleague, Mike Whale, for sharing this: -

Javacores are one of the most powerful tools in WebSphere Application Server and the JVM. This WebSphere Support Technical Exchange is designed to provide a deep dive into Javacores and Javadumps, and includes items that even seasoned professionals may not use or know about - for example, CW states for threads one would presume to be Runnable in IBM Java 5+.
  • Javacores: What, why, and how
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Hung Thread Detection
  • Tooling
  • Questions
It's from 2010, but still bloomin' relevant

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Visual Studio Code - Wow 🙀

Why did I not know that I can merely hit [cmd] [p]  to bring up a search box allowing me to search my project e.g. a repo cloned from GitHub...