DOCOVA Version 4.5.1 and IBM Quickr Migrations

Available in the first half of November, we are releasing DOCOVA 4.5.1 on the heels of DOCOVA 4.5. What’s new in 4.5.1 is that we’ve added some elements specifically for IBM Quickr® migrations.  DOCOVA customers will be able to continue to create and share information internally and externally much in the same way that they were able to with Quickr.

For more information on migrating Quickr to DOCOVA, you can read Chris’ blog entry here.

WebDAV integration can be a useful addition to companies migrating their Quickr environment over to DOCOVA.

This blog will touch on the new items available in 4.5.1. For more information refer to the 4.5.1 Release Notes.

Folder Security – Managers and Editors

One of the first elements that you will see is that we’ve changed the Folder Property access control levels.   There is now Managers, Editors, Authors and Readers. Previously, Editors had “manager” like access in a folder. Now we’ve changed that so Managers have “manager” access and Editors can do everything Managers can do, except edit Folder Properties.


New Members Section on Library Profile

A new Members Section has been added to Library Profiles. This new capability helps make managing Library Access Control easier and more flexible, much in the same way that you could manage Quickr Places.

Library Members are assigned and managed in this section.   You can add, create, edit and delete Member entries.


Library Creation by Select Users

Until now, Library creation could only be performed by DOCOVA Administrators. Select non-administrator Users or Groups can now be assigned in order to allow them to create Libraries without needing the Administrator who is usually an IT resource. These Users can be assigned in the Global Settings Advanced section under Library Creation Settings.


Library Creation from Source Templates

In 4.5.1, existing Libraries can be set as “templates” for the purpose of creating new libraries based on the design of the template library. Any customisations in the template library will be carried over into the new library. Additionally, existing folders, documents and Member Groups will be copied to the new library.

In the Library that you want to assign as a template, in the Library’s profile in the Basics section, you can select “Enable Use as a Template”.


Then, when creating a new Library, again under the Basics section in the new Library profile, you can select a “Source Template”. The selection field will drop down a list of available library templates to choose from.


Recent Update Notices

Users can now receive email notices of recent updates (additions/modifications) to libraries that they are subscribed to. Once enabled in DOCOVA’s Global Settings, Users can then manage their own notifications by enabling “Enable Recent Update Notifications” in their User Profile and selecting one or more of the libraries they are subscribed to. This allows Users to only get notifications from the libraries they are most interested in.


Batch Release

Users can now Release multiple documents in a single operation in the right-click context menu of a folder.


Select multiple documents in a folder then right-click and select Release Document(s).  In the case of Version Controlled document, DOCOVA will automatically assign the next version number.

One Comment

  1. – DOCOVA WebDAV Support November 2, 2015 at 7:49 pm

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