“Pitfall” when implementing Sametime Awareness in IBM Connections

If you are implementing Sametime Awareness in IBM Connections through Sametime Proxy server, as described in the official documentation, make sure that “isConnectClient” attribute, in “LotusConnections-config.xml” file, is set to “false”.  The example in the Documentation shows otherwise:

2016-07-18 22_18_29-IBM Knowledge Center - Adding Sametime awareness through the Sametime server - A

If you set the “isConnectClient” attribute to “true”, and the rest of the configuration is OK, the connection to the Sametime Proxy server will work, but the loading of the Homepage after the login will take significantly longer, some users may even get warning messages stating that they are unable to log in to Sametime.

This problem especially impacts the Firefox Browser, for some reason Chrome is much less affected and the issue is not that easy notice.

A big thanks to Martin Leyrer for sharing this. 🙂

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