IBM Traveler 9.0.17 e IBM Notes Client for MAC 9.0.1IF9

fix pack

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Sono uscite qualche giorno fa nuove fix importanti per IBM Traveler, giunto alla release
La versione aveva un bug sul PUSH delle email che non funzionava più se il server aveva un breve downtime

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IBM Traveler
Release Date Build Level Documentation
March 21, 2017 201703170414_20 IBM Traveler Release Notes
IBM Traveler Product Documentation

Note: IBM Traveler includes all APAR fixes delivered in all previous releases up to and including IBM Traveler in addition to the APARs listed here. 

APAR # Abstract
LO90889 Invitee status not correct on mobile device if the invitee response is received in a non-syncing folder.
LO91550 Multiple ghost entries possible if adding invite to event that has outstanding updates pending.
LO91723 User may stop recieving updates to mobile device after mail server restarted and there is no backup mail server.
LO91733 Subject of mail replied to/forwarded from Windows 8 device may display incorrectly.
LO91762 IBM Traveler server may change case of Domino domain to all lower case when sending mail.
LO91770 Subject of new mail sent from Windows 8 device may display incorrectly.
LO91819 User may not be able to sync data to mobile device when the user's mail file name contains special characters.
LO91870 Wipe data option may be greyed out for iOS Verse client.

Per MAC for Notes 64bit è uscita una nuova hot fix che risolve il bug

Notes 64-bit 9.0.1 IF9
Notes Client Quit Unexpectely After Password Input

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