All the 10s, Let’s Make Things Simple..

Announced at the Domino 10 launch today: if you have let your licensing for Domino lapse you can renew it until the end of the year saving up to 50%, and if you have licensing and need more then IBM will discount new licensing by up to 20% until the end of the year.  I don’t sell licenses but that seems like a good deal to me.  Why should you? Well, why shouldn’t you?  If you have Domino in your environment even with a lapsed license you are keeping those servers around because of all the data that’s on them - don’t you want to use that data?  Let’s talk about what you get if you are licensed:

  • access to your Domino data using Node and modern javascript development tools
  • a new query language for Domino (DQL) which allows you to access Domino data from external platforms (buh-bye ODBC!)
  • access to your Notes applications (yes even the really really old ones) on an iPad
  • entitlement to not only use instant messaging in your Notes and web clients but also on mobile devices
  • a ton of TCO features including a new 256GB db size limit, auto database repair, cluster symmetry (automatically populating entire directories from one server to another and keeping them in sync), publishing of stats to New Relic and other cloud based reporting tools, new full text indexing engine, …

I’m not mentioning a ton of other features too.  I’m giving credit to the team who did such a great job today and especially Luis Gurigay whose presentation was seamless and showed how your back-end Domino applications work with no required code changes on an iPad, how your Domino data and web apps can be integrated into O365 and (this which he showed live and I took a screenshot) of showing a Notes document being created and then published in Slack, Microsoft Teams and Watson Workspace concurrently.

The code for this will be made available via the IBM Destination Domino site tomorrow.

So Domino 10 is out tomorrow.  The beta for the application development pack which includes the Node module is due out this week, and the beta for Notes on the iPad is due out this month.  If you want to sign up for the betas go to the destination domino site and if you want to talk licensing and you don’t have someone at IBM to talk to let me know and I’ll see who I can point you at (and then step away because I do not want to do licensing :-))