Colorful Statements - Out-of-the-box-Function 

This Feature has to work out of the box, without any installation – ( no Third-Party Product, no install)
Die Funktion ist in den Client integriert und benötigt keine Installation.

Step 01 - Color:

Preferences\Fonts,Colors and Themes -> Select: Theme: IBM Theme
To choose a new color theme, click the color box next to Choose your theme and select a color.

Customize colors for specific parts of the interface

Use the notes.ini setting:

Exampel: CUSTOM_THEME_COLOR=246,135,27

Step 02 - Background:

Change the background image, from any workspace page, right-click, select Background, and then select one of these options:
Mit einem Rechts-Klick auf den Workspace kann der Hintergrund des Notes Clients einfach angepasst werden.

None – to remove the image and use the workspace tab color as the background color.

Default – to use the default background image.

Choose – to use your own background image by selecting an image file from your computer.

the Image ($WorkspaceImage) is stored in the bookmark.nsf

You are old school? - Use the notes.ini setting: Du bist old school? Dann kannst auf das alte Design des Notes Client wechseln. V10Workspace=0 (Notes 10) V10Workspace=0 and Workspace_Navigator=0 (Notes12.0.1) to revert to the Notes 9 workspace style
Tips &Tricks

#dominoforever Color
RGB: 251 213 0

Voraussetzung/requirement: Notes Standard Client >= 10 Quelle: HCL
Anett Hammerschmidt

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