Free Basecamp Personal

by Volker Weber

... we’re formally introducing Basecamp Personal – a completely free Basecamp plan designed specifically for freelancers, students, families, and personal projects. Why should businesses be the only ones who get to use Basecamp to manage projects? We The People deserve a Basecamp for us, too!

This is a smart move. The company does not set out to harvest your data. They want to get you hooked so that you may feel inclined to buy this product for your business.

Basecamp Personal includes 3 projects, 20 users, and a gig of storage space. So kick off a couple projects, invite some friends, family, teammates, or volunteers. Stretch your wings a little, and discover the benefits of organizing your personal projects the Basecamp way.

No credit card required. No justification required. No obligation required. No ads. No selling your personal information. It’s Small Tech at its best. It’s The Basecamp Way. Basecamp Personal is on us, for you. Check it out and claim your free account today. We’d love to hear what you end up using it for.

You have to be creative to compete with Microsoft Teams.

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Interessant. Link klemmt leider. Aber bei genauer Betrachtung macht es der Anbieter auch falsch. 3 Projekte, 20 Benutzer ist das alte Lockmuster. 10 Benutzer „alles inkl.“ wie Atlassian es nun macht, das ist ein Brett.

Volker Barth, 2019-11-17

O.k. den wichtigen Aspekt des Umgangs mit Daten müsste man bei Jira, Confluence & Co bestimmt noch mal genauer anschauen...

Volker Barth, 2019-11-17

Atlassian bietet auch noch einen anderen großen Vorteil : die Möglichkeit der inhouse installation statt Cloud, 10$ für 10 User.

Sami Bahri , 2019-11-18

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