OpenNTF February Webinar – Introduction to Ansible for Newbies

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to register for the OpenNTF Webinar about Ansible, scheduled for tomorrow. Christoph Stöttner is, among other things, a Connections/Kubernetes/WebSphere and DevOps Guru, so I am pretty sure he knows his stuff about Ansible. 🙂

More details about the event:

This talk is for Domino admins and developers who would like to learn Ansible basics. Ansible is an automation engine to automate deployments. HCL provides a set of Ansible playbooks and roles to deploy a complete HCL Connections 7 environment. Come learn what Ansible is and why you should use it in this webinar.

The speaker will be:
Christoph Stoettener, HCL Ambassador

This webinar will take place on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM. There will be time for questions at the end.

To register for this webinar go to:

You can also access information about and recordings of all of our webinars at

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