Cookies on Domino Blog
Martin Ortega
8 Marzo 2022
First, create a Javascript with this code:
Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
(function(window) {

if (!!window.cookieChoices) {
return window.cookieChoices;

var document = window.document;
// IE8 does not support textContent, so we should fallback to innerText.
var supportsTextContent = 'textContent' in document.body;

var cookieChoices = (function() {

var cookieName = 'displayCookieConsent';
var cookieConsentId = 'cookieChoiceInfo';
var dismissLinkId = 'cookieChoiceDismiss';

function _createHeaderElement(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref) {
 var butterBarStyles = 'position:fixed;width:100%;background-color:#eee;' +
     'margin:0; left:0; top:0;padding:4px;z-index:1000;text-align:center;';

 var cookieConsentElement = document.createElement('div'); = cookieConsentId; = butterBarStyles;

 if (!!linkText && !!linkHref) {
   cookieConsentElement.appendChild(_createInformationLink(linkText, linkHref));
 return cookieConsentElement;

function _createDialogElement(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref) {
 var glassStyle = 'position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:999;' +
     'top:0;left:0;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);' +
var dialogStyle = 'z-index:1000;position:fixed;left:50%;top:30%';
 var contentStyle = 'position:relative;left:-50%;margin-top:-25%;' +
     'background-color:#fff000;color:#000;padding:20px;box-shadow:4px 4px 25px #888;';

 var cookieConsentElement = document.createElement('div'); = cookieConsentId;

 var glassPanel = document.createElement('div'); = glassStyle;

 var content = document.createElement('div'); = contentStyle;

 var dialog = document.createElement('div'); = dialogStyle;

 var dismissLink = _createDismissLink(dismissText); = 'block'; = 'right'; = '8px';

 if (!!linkText && !!linkHref) {
   content.appendChild(_createInformationLink(linkText, linkHref));
 return cookieConsentElement;

function _setElementText(element, text) {
 if (supportsTextContent) {
   element.textContent = text;
 } else {
   element.innerText = text;

function _createConsentText(cookieText) {
 var consentText = document.createElement('span');
 _setElementText(consentText, cookieText);
 return consentText;

function _createDismissLink(dismissText) {
 var dismissLink = document.createElement('a');
 _setElementText(dismissLink, dismissText); = dismissLinkId;
 dismissLink.href = '#'; = '24px';
 return dismissLink;

function _createInformationLink(linkText, linkHref) {
 var infoLink = document.createElement('a');
 _setElementText(infoLink, linkText);
 infoLink.href = linkHref; = '_blank'; = '8px';
 return infoLink;

function _dismissLinkClick() {
 return false;

function _showCookieConsent(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref, isDialog) {
 if (_shouldDisplayConsent()) {
   var consentElement = (isDialog) ?
       _createDialogElement(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref) :
       _createHeaderElement(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref);
   var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
   document.getElementById(dismissLinkId).onclick = _dismissLinkClick;

function showCookieConsentBar(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref) {
 _showCookieConsent(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref, false);

function showCookieConsentDialog(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref) {
 _showCookieConsent(cookieText, dismissText, linkText, linkHref, true);

function _removeCookieConsent() {
 var cookieChoiceElement = document.getElementById(cookieConsentId);
 if (cookieChoiceElement != null) {

function _saveUserPreference() {
 // Set the cookie expiry to one year after today.
 var expiryDate = new Date();
 expiryDate.setFullYear(expiryDate.getFullYear() + 1);
 document.cookie = cookieName + '=y; expires=' + expiryDate.toGMTString();

function _shouldDisplayConsent() {
 // Display the header only if the cookie has not been set.
 return !document.cookie.match(new RegExp(cookieName + '=([^;]+)'));

var exports = {};
exports.showCookieConsentBar = showCookieConsentBar;
exports.showCookieConsentDialog = showCookieConsentDialog;
return exports;

window.cookieChoices = cookieChoices;
return cookieChoices;

Image:Cookies on Domino Blog

In the above scripts I have only made a small change, I mark it in green in case someone wants to modify it, the reason is that small resolutions could not close the window

====== ======= ======= ======= =======

Create an HTML BLOCK Template with this code:

<script src=""></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
('Solicitamos su permiso para obtener datos estadísticos de su navegación en esta web, en cumplimiento del Real Decreto-ley 13/2012. Si continúa navegando consideramos que acepta el uso de cookies.',
'Aceptar y cerrar',
'Más información',

Insert the Block Template that you have created in the Home Page of your blog.

====== ======= ======= ======= =======

Now you only need to create a Web Page with the content you want that will show the link of the Block Template created previously
Quedará pendiente de aprobación
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Autor SIDRA400

Mi nombre es Martín Ortega Novella, vivo en Asturias, casi toda mi vida laboral ha sido en IBM, pero ya estoy jubilado.
Siempre he utilizado Lotus Notes/Domino para mi blog, donde me he sentido más cómodo ha sido cuando estaba alojado en mi AS/400, ahora está en un iMac
Durante un año utilicé IBM WebSphere Portal Server, un gran producto pero volví a usar Lotus / Notes porque es lo que más gusta.
SIDRA400 es miembro del ESLUG (Spanish HCL Domino User Group).