Cross-posting: The OpenNTF Discord Server

A few months ago, OpenNTF started testing the waters of moving our Slack community over to Discord. The immediate impetus for this was the message-history limitation of our Slack account: on the free tier, we were losing old messages, but upgrading a community of our size to a paid tier would be cost-prohibitive.

Once we started looking into using Discord, we found that it offered much more for us than just avoiding history loss. Discord quickly proved itself a much-better match for our community, with better community controls, better voice/video chat with screen sharing, and just generally a more community-focused approach.


Since it’s gone so smoothly in a “soft launch”, we think it’s ready to invite everyone more openly. To join our Discord community, visit:

That should get you in to the server – once you agree to the community guidelines, it’ll open up access to all of the public channels.

HCL goes geographic
ELD Engineering first contribution to OpenNTF

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