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Dave Hay
Blog Title A Portal to a Portal
Blog Description Geeking in technology since 1985, with IBM Development, focused upon Docker and Kubernetes on the IBM Z LinuxONE platform In the words of Dr Cathy Ryan, "If you don't write it down, it never happened". To paraphrase one of my clients, "Every day is a school day". I do, I learn, I share. The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. Remember, YMMV https://infosec.exchange/@davehay
Blog URL http://portal2portal.blogspot.com
Feed http://portal2portal.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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Recent Blog Posts
67 2025-01-17 Dave Hay Note to self - Firefox and local connections
30 2024-12-09 Dave Hay Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04
38 2024-06-25 Dave Hay Note to self - use kubectl to query images in a pod or deployment
53 2024-06-14 Dave Hay Lest I forget - how to install pip on Ubuntu
97 2024-02-17 Dave Hay Visual Studio Code - Wow ????
39 2023-12-31 Dave Hay Getting started with Python in Jupyter Notebooks
48 2023-11-04 Dave Hay More on macOS SMB sharing
41 2023-10-23 Dave Hay Why I can't install jq on Ubuntu 20.04
49 2023-06-15 Dave Hay macOS to macOS File Sharing - Don't work, try The IT Crowd
37 2023-05-22 Dave Hay On the subject of aliases ...
29 2023-05-22 Dave Hay Using 1Password to store API keys ...
57 2023-05-20 Dave Hay Wow, why have I not been using 1Password for my SSH keys before today ?
19 2023-05-19 Dave Hay Today I Learned - how to deal with Shell Check SC2086
44 2023-04-27 Dave Hay Why oh why did I forget vimdiff ?
21 2023-04-27 Dave Hay Unix - redirecting output to /dev/null
16 2023-04-27 Dave Hay IBM Container Registry - searching and formatting
24 2023-04-21 Dave Hay Today I Learned - Munging Epochs using awk
14 2023-04-17 Dave Hay IBM Cloud and JQ - more querying fun
26 2023-04-04 Dave Hay IBM Cloud CLI - Debugging
19 2023-04-04 Dave Hay TIL: FuzzyFinder - fzf - and jq
30 2023-02-21 Dave Hay Reading up on the differences between Zsh and Bash
24 2023-02-06 Dave Hay Fun and games with Docker login on macOS
63 2023-02-02 Dave Hay Removing filenames with special characters - a reminder
49 2023-02-01 Dave Hay Reminder to self - check out Finch
34 2023-01-16 Dave Hay Go modules and forks
40 2023-01-13 Dave Hay Fun with Git and branching
40 2022-12-30 Dave Hay Weirdness with Go
22 2022-12-20 Dave Hay Giving Twitter the bird ...
49 2022-12-02 Dave Hay Reminder - how to split strings in a shell script
15 2022-11-29 Dave Hay TIL - Searching back through zsh history on macOS
11 2022-11-29 Dave Hay YIL - Where does Apple keep its podcasts on macOS ?
13 2022-11-28 Dave Hay IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service - where's my KUBECONFIG ?
27 2022-11-28 Dave Hay Container images and Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
21 2022-11-24 Dave Hay K8s networking - where's my Flannel ?
29 2022-11-24 Dave Hay Don't Panic - kubelet won't start but ....
30 2022-11-22 Dave Hay TIL - Docker secrets and BuildKit
50 2022-10-06 Dave Hay Getting the architecture right
32 2022-09-23 Dave Hay More fun with pip
28 2022-09-23 Dave Hay Installing pylint on Linux - there's more than one way ...
55 2022-09-10 Dave Hay Been a while - back with some wget fun
35 2022-07-22 Dave Hay Grokking grep
45 2022-07-20 Dave Hay To start, press any key .... hey, where's the [Any] key ?
46 2022-07-20 Dave Hay Today I Learned - Shorter redirection, what's not to like ?
31 2022-04-29 Dave Hay TIL - read-only variables in Linux
19 2022-04-29 Dave Hay Having fun and games with Kubernetes networking
31 2022-04-27 Dave Hay Munging JSON with JQ - without using grep and awk
27 2022-04-26 Dave Hay Git and Ubuntu - not branching out
42 2022-04-18 Dave Hay Tinkering with arrays in ZSH
17 2022-04-07 Dave Hay AirPlay and  TV and macOS Monterey
22 2022-03-30 Dave Hay iTerm2 and keyboard navigation - Today I Learned
35 2022-03-30 Dave Hay Grep AND awk
15 2022-03-25 Dave Hay Fun with Pip and Python on macOS 12.3 Monterey
14 2022-03-23 Dave Hay Running Podman on Ubuntu 18.04
35 2022-03-21 Dave Hay Bash and history - where's it gone ?
23 2022-03-16 Dave Hay ZSH and history - going back in time
26 2022-03-16 Dave Hay Podman say "No"
15 2022-03-16 Dave Hay More fun with Git and ZSH, this time branch naming ...
17 2022-03-16 Dave Hay ZSH and Git and auto-complete
55 2022-03-14 Dave Hay Port Stripping
43 2022-03-07 Dave Hay Ubuntu, where's my stuff ( in /tmp ) ?
20 2022-03-01 Dave Hay Go and GitHub and downstream dependencies
19 2022-03-01 Dave Hay More fun with variables and spaces, with added jq
19 2022-03-01 Dave Hay Fun with variables and space
17 2022-02-28 Dave Hay Weirdness with the IBM Cloud CLI tool
13 2022-02-23 Dave Hay TIL - Logging into IBM Cloud with fewer keystrokes
22 2022-02-21 Dave Hay Yet more fun with jq, this time it's gosh-darned hyphens
20 2022-02-16 Dave Hay IBM Cloud Object Storage - where's my GUID
55 2022-02-15 Dave Hay Podman ate my hard disk ....
65 2022-01-28 Dave Hay Git is well-named - again
14 2022-01-28 Dave Hay Git is well-named - again
49 2022-01-25 Dave Hay Today I Learned - useful keyboard shortcut for macOS
12 2022-01-25 Dave Hay Today I Learned - useful keyboard shortcut for macOS
49 2022-01-24 Dave Hay Today I learned how to use the QUOTIENT function in Excel ...
12 2022-01-24 Dave Hay Today I learned how to use the QUOTIENT function in Excel ...
0 2022-01-17 Dave Hay SSH keys and variables
10 2022-01-17 Dave Hay SSH keys and variables
0 2022-01-14 Dave Hay In other news, upgrading Bash
15 2022-01-14 Dave Hay In other news, upgrading Bash
0 2022-01-14 Dave Hay TIL: Suppressing Apple's "nagware" about ZSH
11 2022-01-14 Dave Hay TIL: Suppressing Apple's "nagware" about ZSH
0 2022-01-12 Dave Hay Today I Learned - IBM Container Registry - Formatting the output ...
18 2022-01-12 Dave Hay Today I Learned - IBM Container Registry - Formatting the output ...
0 2022-01-11 Dave Hay IBM Cloud - Cleaning things up
9 2022-01-11 Dave Hay IBM Cloud - Cleaning things up
0 2022-01-11 Dave Hay Hey Aptitude, where's my disk space gone ?
9 2022-01-11 Dave Hay Hey Aptitude, where's my disk space gone ?
0 2022-01-10 Dave Hay Kubernetes - messing about with nodes and taints
7 2022-01-10 Dave Hay Kubernetes - messing about with nodes and taints
0 2022-01-10 Dave Hay JQ vs jsonpath
9 2022-01-10 Dave Hay JQ vs jsonpath
0 2022-01-07 Dave Hay TIL: Logging into RedHat OpenShift Container Platform using an API key
7 2022-01-07 Dave Hay TIL: Logging into RedHat OpenShift Container Platform using an API key
0 2022-01-07 Dave Hay TIL: Tracing IBM Cloud CLI
7 2022-01-07 Dave Hay TIL: Tracing IBM Cloud CLI
0 2021-12-20 Dave Hay IBM Key Protect - Computer says "No"
6 2021-12-20 Dave Hay IBM Key Protect - Computer says "No"
0 2021-12-20 Dave Hay JQ and output control and searching ... I must remember this
8 2021-12-20 Dave Hay JQ and output control and searching ... I must remember this
0 2021-12-19 Dave Hay Don't be blue - debugging Bluetooth in macOS Monterey
7 2021-12-19 Dave Hay Don't be blue - debugging Bluetooth in macOS Monterey

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